Ambassador of the Month: Lindsey Bradley
Name: Lindsey Bradley
Company: Brown Distributing Co.
Title: Marketing/Corporate Social Responsibility
How did you get to Austin?
I moved to Austin, to work at Brown Distributing, after graduating from Central Michigan University.
Why did you join the AYC?
I joined AYC to meet other young professionals in Austin, as well as an opportunity to give back to the community – with the Leadership Service Committee!
What is your favorite lunch spot?
Austin has so many amazing restaurants, but I honestly pack my lunch every day, nothing beats homemade, I love to cook.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and what would you use it for?
I would love to have the ability to fly, it would help me avoid traffic every day, I could go see my friends and family back home without the 20+ hour drive, and I could get away for a quick vacation whenever I wanted!
If you could have any celebrity live next door to you, who would it be?
I think Miranda Lambert would be a great neighbor, we would definitely be friends – plus, no one is going to mess with her neighborhood!
What are your top 3 things to do/see in Austin?
Checking out the different hiking trails around town
Shops on South Congress
Standup Paddle Boarding on Lady Bird Lake
If you played hooky for a day, where would we find you?
In Wimberley, relaxing by the Blanco River with my boyfriend and our two dogs – JD and Elliott.
When people ask you what you do for a living, what do you tell them?
I work in marketing for Brown Distributing, a local beer distributor, I love my job!
What do you think is the best invention in the past 50 years?
I would have to say the cell phone is the best invention, I can’t imagine what we would do if we still relied on landlines for everything! Being able to call, text, email, figure out how to get somewhere, take pictures, and listen to music, all in one little device is pretty amazing!
Who was your first Facebook friend?
Can’t even remember, must have been one of my college friends that convinced me to join Facebook.
If you couldn’t live in Austin, where would you want to live?