
Let’s Talk  – A Virtual Mini-Mentorship Program

There’s a lot of change happening around us, and for some, talking about where you’re at and hearing advice from experts will help you navigate what to do next. That’s why we’ve decided to launch the Let’s Talk Virtual Mini-Mentorship Program.

Are you a Central Texas young professional interested in piloting this program?

To get started, please complete the below form to share more about your current situation and mentor needs. We are currently recruiting mentors in the areas listed below, and will share your mentor match by Monday, April 6. 

Mentors will be asked to give a minimum of 20 minutes per one-on-one session between April 6 and April 27. We will work to connect as many mentees as possible and may adjust time frames as necessary to serve the need.

Deadline to sign up as a mentee is Friday, April 3 at noon.

Mentee Interest Form

Interested in serving as a Mentor?

Reach out if you’d like to learn more!

Thank You to Our Partners