Name: Erin Buthman
Company: Austin Tour Company
Role: Senior Experience Coordinator and Freelance UX Designer


  1. What brought you to Austin and how long have you been here?
    I moved to Austin after living in Spain for 2 years to be closer to family who live in Dallas. Unlike in Europe, 3 hours is “close” in the US!
  2. How did you get connected to AYC?
    I attended the Change Maker luncheon in support of Chelsea Elliot and a member told me about all of the perks and programs of AYC. I decided to check some out, and was hooked.
  3. What are you involved with in AYC AND what is your favorite part of AYC?
    I’m the Vice Chair of the Economic Development Committee. I love my committee – we focus on civic advocacy, and it’s really helped me stay informed and feel connected to Austin, not as an observer, but as a active participant.
  4. Where can we find you brunching in Austin on any given Saturday?
    On a Saturday, Lucky Robot’s Tokyo Brunch. On a Sunday, The Brunch Boat!
  5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and what would you use it for?
    I’ve always wanted to be able to control time like in that early 2000s movie, Clockstoppers. With that super power I’d always have ample time for work and play!
  6. If you could have any celebrity live next door to you, who would it be?
    Can I please please please have Amy Poehler on one side and Tina Fey on the other?
  7. If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them to show them a good time?
    I love showing off our city… so this is a tough one. I probably would pre-order some La Barbecue take-out (beef ribs, of course) and head to the 360 bridge lookout to get the “lay of the land”.
  8. If you played hooky for a day, where would we find you and what would you be doing?
    Floating the river! Or at least on on an inflatable raft of some sort, on some body of water (Barton Creek, a pool, a puddle… I’m not picky).
  9. When people ask you what you do for a living, what do you tell them?
    At Austin Tour Company and in UX Design, I help people live their best lives by creating experiences that are easy to enjoy.
  10. What technology could you not live without?
    I love my Keurig dearly…
  11. Who inspires you?
    Cheesy, but no doubt, my mom, Julia Buthman. She’s been in Corporate Finance since the mid 80s and contributes to women’s empowerment in numerous ways.
  12. What is your proudest accomplishment?
    Earning a Fulbright
  13. If you couldn’t live in Austin, where would you want to live?
    Santander, a city on the northern coast of Spain. In many ways it’s the opposite of Austin, but there is room in my heart for both!
  14. I want to learn how to…?
    Code JavaScript
  15. Pick:
    Soup or Salad?  
    Love soup.. but in this heat, salad!
    Indoors or Outdoors?  
    Outdoors, 100%
    Winter or Summer?  
    Summer! I hate you Winter.
    Tea or Coffee?
    Mountains or Beach?
    Can I find a place that has both? If I have to choose, beach.
  16. Favorite drink?
    Juiceland’s Rain Forrest Rain (not on the menu anymore, but they’ll make it if you ask!)