Member of the Month: Daja Gegen

Name: Daja Gegen
Company: Miles Media
Role: Travel Media Sales & Marketing Executive
1. What brought you to Austin and how long have you been here?
A couple days after college graduation, I came down with a group of girlfriends to our friend’s lake house on LBJ. We spent just one afternoon in Austin but I knew with 100% certainty that I would live here someday. I’ve been here for 3.5 years now and I’m completely in love.
2. How did you get connected to AYC?
I first heard about it through a friend. I went to a couple Coffee Connections and immediately dug the energy. A couple months later I narrowed my focus to the Leadership Service Committee.
3. What are you involved with in AYC or what is your favorite part of AYC?
As of January, I am the co-chair of the Leadership Service Committee with Decker Graham. My favorite part of AYC is the members. My third year in Austin was the best yet because I connected with this group. AYC’s members continue to inspire me professionally, personally and creatively. The Casino Social and FAVE are pretty awesome, too.
4. Where can we find you brunching in Austin on any given Saturday?
My go-to is just breakfast tacos and mimosas. Veracruz All Natural has my whole heart.
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and what would you use it for?
I would snap my fingers and be where I wanted to go. That includes in bed with my face washed after waking up on the couch (the worst).
6. If you could have any celebrity live next door to you, who would it be?
Chelsea Handler or Kate Middleton, representing the spectrum of women in my dream girl group. Michael Fassbender wouldn’t be bad, either…
7. If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them to show them a good time?
One of my favorite things to do is help people plan their trip to Austin. In my set, I’d say the lake, Tex-Mex, a cocktail bar or two and Volstead to end the night (nothing like hearing ‘In Da Club’ at age 31…)
8. If you played hooky for a day, where would we find you and what would you be doing?
I’d start with a run on the trail right after everyone has gone to work, followed by breakfast tacos and shopping – either a boutique crawl or a trip up to the Domain. Then I’d meet a friend for happy hour.
9. When people ask you what you do for a living, what do you tell them?
I handle advertising partnership opportunities for the Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau (any hospitality folks out there – let’s chat!).
10. What technology could you not live without?
My phone, sadly. It’s glued to my hand.
11. Who inspires you?
My grandmother is my hero, but anyone who has found a way to travel for a living inspires me as well!
12. What is your proudest accomplishment?
Nothing is jumping out at me, so maybe I should work on that!
13. If you couldn’t live in Austin, where would you want to live?
I love so many places, but I’d definitely live out west. Lake Tahoe or Napa Valley (do I get to retire early in this fantasy?).
14. I want to learn how to…?
I’d like to go to culinary school, just for fun.
15. Pick:
Soup or Salad? Salad
Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
Winter or Summer? In Austin… winter
Tea or Coffee? Coffee, by the pot
Beer or Wine? Wine me, baby
Mountains or Beach? Super tough. Game time decision… beach.