Innovative Company
A business with a proven track record of leveraging talent, creative problem-solving, and collaboration to move their industry forward.
Company Culture
A company with a demonstrated commitment to employee development, diversity & inclusion, and creating a rewarding work atmosphere.
Sustainable Business
A company that is dedicated to minimizing waste, going green, and utilizing eco-friendly materials and practices as part of their day-to-day operations.
Community Minded Company
A business with a demonstrated track record of giving back (through time, talent or treasure); making an impact through those gifts; or leading the way in innovative philanthropic initiatives.
Small Business
A local or independently-operated enterprise with fewer than 50 employees.
Way to Keep Austin Healthy
A company or brand that contributes to Austin’s mental, physical, or financial healthy lifestyle (retail product; exercise program; fitness/wellness tech; service providers).
Local Non-Profit
A non-profit organization whose mission is making a difference in our local community.
Spot to Splurge
A place to take your friends that’s known for dining, drinks, relaxation, retail therapy, or other entertainment.
Source for Local Info
A local news outlet, influencer, or other media channel with a reputation for delivering high-quality, impactful content.
Arts & Culture Experience
A place or event that contributes to Austin’s vibrant arts and culture community.
YP-Led Business
A local company with a Young Professional (YP) currently in the top management role (CEO, Founder, etc.). Nominees for this award must be 40 or under as of December 31, 2019.
Legendary Austin Brand
An e-commerce, service, or brick and mortar brand based in Austin and known regionally / nationally / globally.