Member of the Month: Carter Andrews

Member of the Month: Carter Andrews

Name: Carter Andrews
Company: Reagan Outdoor Advertising
Role: Account Executive


    1. What brought you to Austin and how long have you been here?
      I am the cliche. I came to Austin with my best friend to check out SXSW in 2015. I was looking to move to a new city and a couple of friends recommended that I look into Austin. Attending SXSW seemed like a perfect mix of getting to know the city and enjoying the festivities. When I got back to the east coast and set my bags down at my house, I felt like I had been on another planet. I knew immediately that I was going to move to Austin. It’s been almost 3 years and I absolutely love this city!
    2. How did you get connected to AYC?
      I was involved with an organization very similar to AYC in Charleston, SC and it was immensely rewarding, both personally and professionally. Not knowing anyone when I moved to Austin, I really wanted to get involved with a group that would help me to meet people and allow me to get involved with the community. I have found all of that and so much more in AYC.
    3. What are you involved with in AYC AND what is your favorite part of AYC?
      I am the Chair of the Imagine Committee, I attend a lot of AYC events, and I try to get involved as much as I can with the amazing volunteer opportunities that the Leadership Services Committee provides. My favorite part of AYC is the people. Everyone I’ve met through the organization is amazing!
    4. Where can we find you brunching in Austin on any given Saturday?
      Oh so many places – Pitchfork Pretty, Odd Duck, Launderette, Hi Hat Public House, Licha’s Cantina, Sawyer & Co. I am an equal opportunity lover of all food and I love checking out new places!
    5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and what would you use it for?
      Invisibility. I would definitely use it for good deeds, but I am voyeuristic by nature and with invisibility I could sneak into all kinds of places to satiate my curiosity.
    6. If you could have any celebrity live next door to you, who would it be?
      Stephen King. He’s been my favorite author since I was a teenager. I would relish living beside him, and hopefully becoming friends. I feel like we could have some great discussions & adventures into the macabre together.
    7. If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them to show them a good time?
      Hotel San Jose for a cocktail by the pool. It embodies the Austin vibe while being a lovely little oasis.
    8. If you played hooky for a day, where would we find you and what would you be doing?
      Hiking on the Greenbelt, reading a good book at the new Central Library, brunch somewhere fabulous, shopping at vintage stores, drinks with friends, and some live music.
    9. When people ask you what you do for a living, what do you tell them?
      Media sales or that I’m in advertising
    10. What technology could you not live without?
      Electricity. It’s the basis for so much other technology and without it, we would totally be in the dark.
    11. Who inspires you?
      When it comes to business, my Dad. He’s been speaking the language of sales to me since I was a kid and he always gives the best advice. When it comes to life experiences, my tribe of friends and family inspire me on a daily basis.
    12. What is your proudest accomplishment?
      Being awarded Sales Person of the Year at Reagan Outdoor for 2017. This took a lot of hard work. I moved to Austin not knowing anyone or any of the companies in town. I’m really proud of the client base that I’ve built and the relationships I’ve cultivated in the past 2 1/2 years.
    13. If you couldn’t live in Austin, where would you want to live?
      Everywhere! I would travel all over America and other countries. I’ve never been able to sit in once place for very long without getting the itch to explore a new city/country.
    14. I want to learn how to…?
      Drive a motorcycle, embroider, speak Italian, French, and Spanish fluently, cook complicated dishes, renovate a house.
    15. Pick:
      Soup or Salad?
      A big bowl of Ramen
      Indoors or Outdoors?  
      Winter or Summer?  
      Tea or Coffee?
      Mountains or Beach?
      Both, but mainly the beach
    16. Favorite Drink?
      Bourbon, neat