Austin Young Chamber of Commerce Hosts Office Space Quote-A-Long at Alamo Drafthouse
The Austin Young Chamber of Commerce (AYC) Imagine Committee will host an Office Space Quote-A-Long at the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 6:30 pm. The Quote-A-Long will be emceed by The Action Pack; the evening will include a chance to beat up office equipment, an Office Space-themed food and drink menu, door prizes from the Austin Film Festival and Austin Film Society, and the first 50 attendees will receive custom sunglasses from Sparefoot.
AYC is grateful to their event partners: Alamo Drafthouse, Art of Fifth, Austin Film Festival, Austin Film Society and Sparefoot. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the show starts at 7 pm. Member tickets are $10 and non-member tickets are $15; these can be purchased at
The AYC Imagine Committee provides AYC members the opportunity to connect to the local Austin arts and culture scene. For more information about this committee, contact Macy McBeth, Chair of the Imagine Committee, at
About the Austin Young Chamber of Commerce-
The purpose of the Austin Young Chamber of Commerce (AYC) is to develop and connect young professionals in Austin to create business, community and individual success.
Work hard. Play hard. That’s our motto at the AYC. As young professionals in the Austin area we know that you work hard to develop yourself both personally and professionally. We also know that in a city like Austin there are countless ways to play hard. The AYC is where you can do both with other young professionals in the Austin community.
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